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PRP Platlet Rich Plasma Near Me

Platelet-rich plasma

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a revolutionary new medical treatment that can help with hair loss, injury, and more. PRP is derived from a patient's own blood, and contains a concentrated amount of platelets which are rich in growth factors. These growth factors help to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and stimulate tissue renewal in the treated area. PRP is a safe and effective treatment option for hair loss, injury, and other medical issues, and can help you to achieve the look and feel that you desire.

Benefits of PRP 



faster healing times


reduced pain


improved function


minimal downtime

prp is...

A Natural solution


a safe and effective non-surgical therapy




a great option for your hair loss and injury medical needs


Follow these 5 simple steps to a new you:


  1. Fill-out the form below and we will contact you to set up your appointment. Or, call us at 845.452.5200.

  2. Arrive 10 minutes early to your appointment in order to fill out your New Patient paperwork. 

  3. Consult with Dr. Spagnola who will develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored just for you.

  4. Make your follow-up appointments. 

  5. Start your journey to feeling great!


Contact Us

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